Thursday, August 19, 2010

What I have learnt this year.

So far this year, I felt that my understanding of Language Arts has changed, it is now deeper than before. Initially, I thought Language Arts was all about comprehension, grammar, etc,. But now we have learnt more! I am no longer so narrow minded! I have learnt about poems and limericks, which are one of the main things i have learnt in this term. It has been a wonderful experience writing them and reading them. It feels nice to make use of your imagination. I like reading short stories too. In the previous terms, we have concentrated on stories like "Village by the Sea", and "Ten Short Stories". It was greatly enjoyed as i find life stories very interesting and fun to read, it beats reading about politics! Grades are not all which matters in school. There is no point if we memorise everything, get good grades, and forget about it. What mattters at the end of the day is that we remember what our teacher has taught us and know how to make use of the skills in our daily life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Three Or So (2)

Is that child in the snapshot me?
That little girl in the woollen dress
By a broken door in a tiny yard
She's shy and laughing and ready to run
And shielding her eyes from the morning sun.

I've forgotten the dress, and the colour of it
I've forgotten who took the photograph
I've forgotten the little girl, three or so
She's someone else now, to be wondered at
With my mother's eyes and my own child's hair
And my brother's smile, but the child who's there-----
The real soul of her------- fled long ago
To the alley-way where she mustn't go
Through the broken door in that tiny yard

In this poem, the figurative language I think is used includes:
1. Imagery(Descriptions of people or objects stated in terms of our senses)
2. Alliteration

The poem describes the girl... who is now gone.
"Is that child in the snapshot me?
That little girl in the woollen dress
By a broken door in a tiny yard
She's shy and laughing and ready to run
And shielding her eyes from the morning sun."
Describes how innocent the author was when she was a little kid.
"I've forgotten the dress, and the colour of it
I've forgotten who took the photograph
I've forgotten the little girl, three or so
She's someone else now, to be wondered at
With my mother's eyes and my own child's hair
And my brother's smile, but the child who's there-----
The real soul of her------- fled long ago
To the alley-way where she mustn't go
Through the broken door in that tiny yard"
Describes the sadness of knowing that the girl is no longer the same, in other words, has grown up.

I can see that in the poem, the girl is described first, before more details about her is revealed. The poem is in systematic order and allows the reader to understand the poem easily.

Reading the poem again, I think the poem is about a girl who has grown up and realises that she is no longer herself. She can hardly remember some things about an old photo, and she feels sad.

In this poem, I think the persona is speaking. It is probably for the public to read. I can sense that this poem is sincere.

The poet might feel sad while writing this poem.

It is probably organized in the way it is so that it is easy to understand. Just like introducing the characters then the plot.

The effect of the previous sentences is to highlight to everyone to treasure their childhood.

In conclusion, I think that in writing this poem, the poet hoped to let the public know that they should cherish their childhood, how they were when they were a child. The innocence, because they will definitely miss it when they grow up.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Begging Mapler- How I was inspired.

How was I inspired to write this limerick?It is an interesting question. I have a classmate by the name of Zhang Yijia. He is an interesting person to be around. Sometime back, our class was doing beach-cleaning on a weekend. After picking 264 cigarette buds, we were resting and speaking about equipment in the game " Maplestory". We boarded the bus back to school together with the rest of the class. On the way back, our form teacher received a call from the form teacher of annother class, saying that a bag was left behind at the area our class was occupying. After a while, Yijia realised that the bag left behind belonged to him. Then he whispered to me," Luckily I did not leave my Illbi and Steely throwing stars behind". The throwing stars were referring to a sort of ammunition in the game. An incident as simple as this inspired me to write the limerick " The Begging Mapler".

Listening to Sounds

I heard the owls hooting in the dark.
I heard the sheep bleating beyond the hill.
I heard the wolves howling forlornly.
I heard the sparrows chirping in their nests.
I heard the dogs barking at strangers.
I heard the horses neigh at each other.
I heard the bulls bellow in anger.
I heard the bees buzzing in annoyance.
I heard the frogs croaking in the wells.
I heard the mice squeaking in fear.
I heard the roosters greeting the day with a cock-a-doodle-doo.
I heard the turkeys yelping away.
I heard the pigeons cooing continuously.
I heard the ducks quacking in excitement.
I heard the pigs grunting amonst themselves.
I heard the cats purring in sadness...

The Begging Mapler.

There was a Mapler named Peso
Who went running and begging for mesos
And moved with a quiver
To find with a shiver
He has dropped his bag of mesos.