1. Think about how an individual's identity is shaped. What factors have led to the formation of your own identity?
I feel that an individual's identity is shaped with what they know about themselves. What I think is that my identity came about by what I think about myself, what I know about myself, and not what others think of us. And that is because we know who we are, others don't. We may be a different person from what people think we are. We know our intentions, our thinking. Well, I admit that others’ impression of us are important because we communicate with people and the world, and the way they look at us is important. However, sometimes, in special circumstances, others misunderstand us and thus think badly of us.
2. Search for three images (that are not a photograph of you) that you feel represent your identity.
First image from the bottom: I feel that in life, we come across many difficulties. And along this tough journey of life, very often people get the wrong impression of us. But, we will clutch our chest, deep in our hearts we know,"They do not know who I am, they got the wrong impression. But, one thing i know, I know who I am. I know I am not who they think I am. I have to hang in there and get on with life. I have to do something to change their bad impression of me, if I don’t, I have to live with it."
Second image from the bottom: Not everybody really understands us, and we never tell anyone everything about ourselves(that is why the mouth in the picture is sealed). Sometimes, we keep things to ourselves, we keep our feelings to ourselves. When people insult us, we don’t feel good, we might feel like punching or slapping their faces but we might just keep silent. No one knows.
Third Image from the bottom: When things in life gets tough, when we face difficulties, when we are in dilemmas, we need an outlet for release, we need silence, we need to be alone, we need time to sort out our feelings, and think about how to get on with life. We need to get back on our feet. And that is why the place in the picture looks silent and lonely.
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