Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Lady, or the Tiger?

The man walked calmly towards the right door, smiling. As the door creaked open, the citizens closed their eyes shut, hoping for the best. For a moment, nothing moved, it was so quiet that even the heartbeats of the people could be heard. In a flash, a tiger pounced out of the darkness of the room, charging at the handsome man. The citizens turned to hug each other, shedding bitter tears of sadness, unable to bring themselves to witness the end of an innocent man's life.
Within a minute, the man breathed his last, the tiger licking up the last drops of blood. Tears flowed from the princess' eyes like a river, running back to her room. The king stared at her daughter running back to her room, letting out a sigh...
'' Sorry, my dear,'' the princess stuttered as she weeped,'' I should not have done that. Why did I let you die such a horrible death... Why?! Why?!'' Suddenly, she stopped crying, and a thought dawned upon her: Yes, my dear, I am coming.

Journal According to the Grocer's Point of View

“Hullo Sam,” she said brightly, smiling at the man behind the counter.

“Why, good evening, Mrs. Maloney. How’re you?”

“I want some potatoes please, Sam. Yes, and I think a can of peas.”

The man turned and reached up behind him on the shelf for the peas.

“Patrick’s decided he’s tired and doesn’t want to eat out tonight,” she told him. “We usually go out Thursdays, you know, and now he’s caught me without any vegetables in the house.”

“Then how about meat, Mrs. Maloney?”

“No, I’ve got meat, thanks. I got a nice leg of lamb from the freezer.”


“I don’t know much like cooking it frozen, Sam, but I’m taking a chance on it this time. You think it’ll be all right?”

“Personally,” the grocer said, “I don’t believe it makes any difference. You want these Idaho potatoes?”

“Oh yes, that’ll be fine. Two of those.”

“Anything else?” The grocer cocked his head on one side, looking at her pleasantly. “How about afterwards? What you going to give him for afterwards?”

“Well-what would you suggest, Sam?”

The man glanced around his shop. “How about a nice big slice of cheesecake? I know he likes that.”

“Perfect,” she said. “He loves it.”

And when it was all wrapped and she had paid, she put on her brightest smile and said, “Thank you, Sam. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Mrs. Maloney. And thank you.”

If I put myself in the grocer's shoes, I would feel that everything was usual---- Mrs. Maloney is a kind and loving wife, buying ingredients for a delicious dinner with her husband, trying her best to buy the food which her husband loves. If I were the grocer, it is of no surprise that i would be shocked when I find out from the policemen that she murdered her husband.

Conversation between 2 liars.

This is a telephone call

Yong Shen: Yizhi, how is your mapling? I heard that you have downloaded the application yesterday and have assumed that you have begun playing the game. You are surely unable to beat my game level of 80. I am an Aran.

Yizhi:I enjoy the game, and I have reached Level 150, as a Flame Wizard. Don't be too boastful, my level is so much higher than yours!

Yong Shen: Hmmm...... You are INDEED professional, so much so that you can even EXCEED THE HIGHEST LEVEL for a Flame Wizard which is Level 120! (Capital letters= sarcasm)

Yizhi: Do you not know that you can edit the level limit? And
did you not tell me that you have not played Maplestory since you achieved Level 60?

Yong Shen: (Avoiding the second question directed at him) Are you sure you have begun playing Maplestory?

Narrator: Yizhi was speechless and hung up.