Monday, May 9, 2011

Online Lesson 8(Term 2)

June 6 ,1944.

The Landing In Normandy.
The Bloodiest Battle In France

Dear Diary,
Here I am, in a hospital, with other soldiers, with our wounds being treated by nurses. Today was probably the worst day of the war. After today, I have come to learn one thing, and that is, the sea is a scary place.
We were on a boat, rowing hard for our lives. Out of a sudden, numerous bullets came flying in our direction. I was lucky to be sitting in the middle of the boat. To survive, I fell onto the ground of the boat, and acted as if I was shot. After a while, our boat capsized and my fellow soldiers jumped off the boat. I followed them, and swum to shore. Never did I realise, that I was shot in my leg as I jumped into the sea. By now, looking around, I only see half of my fellow soldiers left. I thought that the other half of them have most probably drowned, unable to swim to shore due to the pain from their wounds. We began digging into the sand, hoping to dig a tunnel and get away from all these violence. Most of our equipment were gone by now, either damaged, or lost as we struggled to swim to shore. I am left without a gun, or my helmet, just my armour. Luckily we were able to reach the hospital safely without getting spotted by our enemies. Probably because we removed our soldier clothing.
Sometimes I wonder, when would all these violence end. I have had enough of this. Today, my best friend, John, passed away because he lost too much blood. While Kenny drowned while swimming to shore. We 3 were childhood friends. I knew both of them since primary school. To think, we were seperated by the war. Now I am left without friends, or family. Dear diary, please tell me that tomorrow would be a better day, where I see some hope in my life.
It is getting late, good night diary.

Yours sincerely,
The One Who Keeps You By His Side

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