Friday, July 8, 2011

Blog Entry 8/7

If this trend continues, such a large gender imbalance would cause countries in Asia to be filled with ageing populations.
According to this news article in the TIME magazine on 5th July 2011, Asia today is short 160 million women. The possible cause is due to abortions. There are countries like China where Chinese couples would prefer to have boys instead of girls, because boys can "carry on the family line" and they are stronger. Thus the child can look after his parents when they grow old. But girls get married and they have to leave their parents to live with their parents-in-lawand would not be able to take care of their parents. That is the case for most. Therefore, when the couple visit the doctor and find out from the scan test results that the child is a female, they might choose to abort the baby. I know for a fact that Singapore is facing the problem of an ageing population, which also affects the productivity of Singapore's workforce. If Singapore's workforce is unable to compete with other countries and regions in various industries, then foreign talents has to be brought in. If the gender imbalance worsens, foreigners would eventuallly dominate Singapore and her economy.
Because of the gender imbalance, there would be more males staying single all their lives due to lack of women. In the long term, if the trend continues, and elders and the couples want more males, so that the family line will be continued, then eventually, there will be a day when the difference between the male and female population is just too wide. Then only would the world realise the mistake. But I am sure nobody wants that to happen. Perhaps there would be 1 female in 10 males? Or would the number of females be lesser than that? So if that really occurs, then a male and a female has to give birth to 10 children to replace the 10 people, otherwise there would be an aging population when those 10 people leave the world. Is that what the world wants? To leave a disastrous world to the future generations?
After reading the news article, I personally feel that family lines aren't everything. If you find out that your unborn child is a female, what would you do? Abort it? Let the baby suffer and die? Well, now there are many disadvantages to that decision. Firstly, the baby would suffer. And also, if you only choose to deliver a male child, you are guilty of contributing to the shortage of females in this world all because of your selfish decision, just for your personal preference. If I ever have a child, regardless of whether it is a male or female, I would not abort it when the doctor tells me that after examining my wife. Put yourself in the baby's shoes. Think of all the good things which happened to you. It would not have been possible without your parents' decision to give birth to you! That child in the womb has a right to be born, and to experience all the wonderful things in this world! It has a right to live! It is God's gift to you! And you are actually pushing God's gift away, you are actually destroying a life! It is murder! But then again, who will step forward to make the difference?

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