Monday, April 25, 2011

Does caffeine have beneficial or harmful effects on the body?

In my opinion, caffeine has beneficial effects on the body. Caffeine protects us against diseases, it is nutritious and lastly, it helps us to stay alert and awake when we need to do burn the midnight oil to do work.

Caffeine reduces the chance of getting Parkinson's disease and protect us against Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that drinking coffee regularly significantly reduces a person's chance of getting Parkinson's disease, and reduces the build up of destructive plaque in our brains. This shows that caffeine can help us stay healthy and prevent us from falling ill.

Caffeine also has various nutrients which are beneficial to our body. Recent research has proven that it is rich in antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and melanoidins. Antioxidants help prevent oxidation, a process that causes damage to cells and contributes to aging. The anti-oxidants in caffeine thus helps to keep our body in good health and condition. It benefits our body and is a form of vitamin.

Lastly, caffeine helps to keep us awake when we need to do work. Let me give you an example. Once, when I was in Secondary 1, I had to rush out a load of work, but the time was already reaching midnight. A full cup of coffee helped me to stay alert and awake, and thus I was able to complete my work by the time I had to set off for school. This shows that coffee indirectly helps us to finish our heavy workload in time.

In conclusion, caffeine is something which everyone would need in one way or another. It is beneficial to our body and helps us to finish our heavy workload when we need to burn the midnight oil

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