Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blog Prompt #13

A: Mr. B, so, what problems do you face? Perhaps I can play a part in easing the depression?

B: It.. it.. How do I put it?

A: Sir, it is fine, take your time.

B: Well, actually, things are like that... 20 years back, I lost my son. I came back from China a year back, and I have been searching for him. I asked old neighbours, they all said he was washed away in a flood 20 years ago. I contacted the police, I filed a police report...

A: I understand, I totally do. In fact, I lost my father 20 years back too.

B: When I went back to ask the neighbours, they passed to me half a jade pendant. Here it is. Ass you can see, it is half a picture of the boy, but it is unclear, where the other half is. And...

A: WAIT! Are you... Are you...

B: What is the matter?

A: SEE! Look at this! It fits exactly! I have the other half!

B: This means... this means... Are you... are you...?

A: ...

B: Don't cry! Wait... the building is shaking!

A: When you came back from your business trip, why didn't you look for me? Why did you leave for China? Do you know how hard I prayed for you to find me?

B: Son, you have a bright future now. I never expected you to be a handsome young man. You are doing good for the society, you are listening to others' problems. You have come so far...

A: Why?! Answer me! Did you feel my pain? Did you?! I saw my mother and my twin brother drowning before me! Yet the debris kept me from saving them!

B: Son!

A: Oh, I see. You don't want to tell me. You never cared for me. I have been keeping my pains in my heart! All these years, I thought time heals wounds! "The building is shaking!" That is not going to fool me! Dad!

B: Look down, my son. The end is near. Soon enough, we will join your mum, and twin brother.

A: At least, father, I got to see you one last time.

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