Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vivid Childhood Memory that helped to influence the person I am today

Childhood, did you just say childhood? Well, people usually think that childhood is a time when we are still little boys... But in my opinion, childhood is a time when we are still a child. Not physically, but mentally too. Childhood is a time when we were not mature.
Thus, today, I am going to speak about a statement by my senior which ended my childhood. Well, it isn't a very long incident, but a very brief one.
Well, that was during the December holidays. At that time, I was in a bus with my now Secondary 4 senior. We were heading for a cinema in Dhoby Ghaut. At that time, I was speaking to him about my troubles in life. But, there was this one statement, a really simple one, but yet a statement which not many realises, and that is "What parents tell us to do is for our own good in one way or another". It really struck me greatly. Day and night, that senior's words still remains in my mind. That statement from him really makes sense. It is a statement which made me more mature. He told me that we might not think so while we are still immature, but in time to come, we will understand their intentions. When we are immature, when our parents scold us we always speak back and are angry at them for scolding us. When we are still childish, we only think from our perspective and not from others'. We only think for ourselves, we do not put ourselves in others' shoes. But this statement struck me. It was the beginning of my maturing.

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